Facial Palsy

Facial palsy can completely alter the function and appearance of a person’s face, affecting their confidence and wellbeing.

The eyelids and brow can have particular problems of poor eye closure, resulting in sore eyes with blurred vision. A low eyebrow and sagging eyelids are a cosmetic problem as well as functional issues including a watery eye.

Mr Uddin understands the importance of restoring the natural facial aesthetics, as well as the form and function of the eyes.

Working for over 20 years as an oculoplastic surgeon Mr Uddin has a wealth of experience in treating patients with facial paralysis. He has a comprehensive range of innovative techniques, both nonsurgical and surgical, to offer the best management for each person with this condition. This is combined with a whole team of radiologists, ENT, neurologists, plastic and maxillofacial surgeons to provide complete care.

What is facial palsy?

Facial palsy is the paralysis or weakness of the facial muscles due to damage or incomplete development of the facial nerves. This affects the movement of parts of the face, including the eyes and the mouth. It can affect one or both sides of the face.

What treatments are available for facial palsy?

Treatment for facial palsy is determined by the underlying cause of the condition. Mr Uddin works with a specialist team of neurologists, oncologists, otolaryngologists (ENT), psychotherapists and speech & language therapists to provide a comprehensive treatment plan.

Surgery may be needed if the upper eyelid droops (ptosis), the eyelid turns outwards (ectropion), eyelid cannot close or if the eyes are watering excessively. The aim of the treatment is to improve eye function, preserve vision and restore the natural facial aesthetic.

Contact us

Moorfields Private Outpatient Centre

9-11 Bath St EC1V 9LF
London (Central London)

Moorfields Private Practice

8 Upper Wimpole St W1G 6LH
London (Central London)

Parkside Hospital

53 Parkside SW19 5NX
London (Wimbledon)

Book a consultation today

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